School Site Council

En Español

The School Site Council (SSC) demonstrates true shared decision making – across the teaching staff, school administrators, and community members.+

The objectives of the SSC are:

  • Advise the school regarding the planning, budgeting, implementation, and evaluation of the School Site Plan.
  • Study and refine the School Site Plan to meet the educational needs and learning styles of all students.
  • Support the goals of the district: Access and Equity, Student Achievement, and Accountability.
  • Support the role of the parent, guardian, and caregiver as the first teachers of the child.
  • Provide opportunities for all parents, guardians, and caregivers to develop the intellectual, social, and physical abilities of their children.
  • Take other actions as required by the California Education Code.For more information about the SSC, visit SFUSD’s SSC Site.

Meeting Agenda and Minutes (English y español)

-SSC Agenda and Meeting Minutes November 1, 2023 (

-SSC Agenda and Meeting Minutes December 6, 2023 (

-SSC Agenda and Meeting Minutes January 17, 2024 (

-SSC Agenda and Meeting Minutes March 13, 2024 and March 19, 2024 (

-SSC Agenda and Meeting Minutes May 29, 2024 (

-SSC 2023-24 Year-End Report (

School Site Counsel Roster 2023-2025


Allison Serkes

Elena Mireles-Hill

Leonor De Leon (ELAC Representative)

Nathan Sedlander

Rebecca Garcia


Alison Cerrudo (Kindergarten Teacher/Maestra de Kinder)

Edward Garnica (Principal/Director)

Kimberley Anderson (Special Day Teacher/Maestra Especial del Día)

Magali Zempoalteca Ramirez (RSP Support, Para/RSP Apoyo, Paraprofessional)

Monica Mendoza (5th Grade Teacher/Maestra de Quinto Grado)