Special Education

En Español

Special Day Class (SDC) Services

Dolores Huerta offers two Special Day Classes for students with moderate to severe disabilities. Both the K-2 and 3-5 classes include students requiring specialized nursing services and children with a wide spectrum of exceptionalities. In addition to providing differentiated instruction within the SDC setting, Dolores Huerta places a large focus on mainstreaming our students with special needs into the general education setting. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech, and psychological services are offered in addition to specialized nursing services and any other service detailed in the Individualized Education Plans of our students.

Inclusion Services

Dolores Huerta has a Resource Specialist (RSP) who works both directly with students and in coordinating para-professional support to children with exceptional needs within the general education setting. In accordance with the IEP of the individual student, our RSP ensures that the support needs of our students with special needs are met within the general education setting.

The following services are also offered at Dolores Huerta: ES- Speech, Psychological Services, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Adaptive Physical Education, Nursing Support, and Family Support Services.