New Families
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Welcome to the Dolores Huerta community!
There are many ways to connect with fellow Dolores Huerta families and to learn what needs to happen before school starts and in the first weeks. You can find some helpful information below. Also check out our FAQs page.
For those starting this year, here’s our School Guide for this year.
Summer Playdates
The PTA will host park meet-ups for incoming families over the summer. Come meet other incoming families and spread the word!
- Sabado, Junio 3 | Saturday, June 3, 1030am-1230pm, Upper Noe Rec Center (295 Day St, 94131)
- Domingo, Julio 15 | Saturday, July 15, 1030am-1230pm, Bernal Library Playground (500 Moultrie St, 94110)
- Domingo, Agosto 13 | Sunday, August 13, 1030pm-1230pm, St. Mary’s Playground (145 Justin Dr, 94112)
Timeline for New Families
- May-June: Register at the school.
- Sign up for all School Communications. Important notifications will come via these communications channels.
- May: Come to a welcome orientation for incoming kindergarteners.
- June–August: Come to a summer playdate for incoming kindergarteners and other new families. The summer playdates should be listed above and on our school calendar.
- If needed, signup for Extended Care.
- Stock up on school uniforms (as described on our FAQs page). Good deals on uniforms can often be found here: Shop for Dolores Huerta
- Get your child a backpack that can fit a folder, a reusable lunch bag (if you plan to pack a lunch), and a water bottle.
- Week before school starts:
- Attend Kinder Orientation where kindergarten teachers will present the curriculum and explain what you can do to support your child during this critical year.
- Attend the Kinder Meet & Greet where you and your child can see your child’s classroom and meet your teacher before the first day of school.
- Fill out the parent information form, either online or in print. You will receive a notification via Bloomz, email, text, or your teacher’s preferred communication method.
- Complete your child’s immunization forms before the first day of school.
- Create a school lunch account online at
- Join the PTA and plan on attending the first PTA Meeting (usually on the fourth Tuesday in August).
- Attend Back to School Night to learn about what goes on in the classroom — usually in early September.
Join the PTA!
Scan the QR Code below or click the following link to join the Dolores Huerta Elementary PTA: