Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
En Español
The Dolores Huerta Elementary PTA’s Mission
To cultivate an active, collaborative, diverse community of parents and teachers to create equity in education, engage and share information in a Spanish-dominant bilingual format, improve the wellbeing of every family, and realize every student’s highest potential through academic rigor and social justice.
Join the Dolores Huerta Elementary PTA
Joining the Dolores Huerta Elementary PTA costs $7 per person per year. With PTA membership, you get the following:
- PTA Membership Card that opens up special deals and discounts (more details to come after you join)
- Share your opinion by voting on issues brought to the PTA
- Stay informed by receiving the minutes for each meeting
- Become part of the wider California community PTA Chapter
To join, you can do one of the following:
- Purchase or renew a PTA Membership online using the button or QR Code below.
- Talk to a PTA Officer at any event where the PTA is present, like a PTA Meeting, “Rinconcito”, etc. They can help.
- Send an email to the PTA Board:

PTA Meetings
The PTA meets monthly, usually on Tuesday evenings at the school library with a zoom option for those who can’t make it in person. Subscribe to the School Calendar to find the next PTA meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend our PTA meetings.
Make Your Voice Heard
The Dolores Huerta Elementary PTA raises and spends close to $100,000 on programs for our children, teachers, and parents including art, science, gardening, supplies for classrooms, community events, and enrichment activities. Be a part of the decision making process. Our meetings, held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, are open to everyone, but you must be a member to vote. Members are not required to come to meetings, but we’d love to see you there. Both English and Spanish speakers are accommodated at every meeting. Check out our Calendar to see when the next meeting is.
Get Involved
Many families volunteer at school and participate in PTA fundraisers without becoming official members of the PTA. However, the PTA does much of the organizing of volunteers on campus, including establishing room parents and supporting events like Baile Familiar, Winter Celebration, Una Noche, and Fiestaval. We look to our membership for help and guidance in these endeavors. Even if you don’t have a lot of time to volunteer, joining the PTA can help you stay involved and connected to what is happening at your child’s school.
Advocate for Children
The PTA is a national organization that advocates on behalf of children’s health and education in San Francisco, Sacramento and Washington DC. By joining the PTA you add your voice to that of millions of other parents. Your annual dues will be used by the district, state and national PTA organizations to provide support to local PTAs, community programs aimed at improving children’s well-being, and legislative representation and advocacy. The PTA is a democratic institution and any member can attend and vote in the state and national PTA conventions. For more information about the PTA and member benefits, go to
PTA Officers for 2023-2024
- President: Kate Levitt
- Secretary: Andy Martone
- Treasurer: Michael Spinella
- Financial Secretary: Casey Frederico
- Equity Outreach: Barb Alvarado
- Historian: Amanda Barnett & Rai Sue Sussman
- Parliamentarian: Celestina McDaniel
- Membership Co-Chairs: Carissa Lopez & Marissa Sanchez
- Fundraising Co-Chairs: Jill Santandreu & Helena Young
- Communications Co-Chairs: Andrew Casteel & Lorena Campozano
- Community Co-Chairs: Liz Rumsey & Jose Franco
- Room Reps Chair: Jennifer Naegele
- Technology Chair: Matt Hill
- Auditor: Nathan Sedlander
Contact us at